The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)

03/12/25 Show 250 : A Victory Lap As Slow As It Is Unseemly

Gerard Cosloy Season 5 Episode 42

(above - a rare photo of the show's original studio, circa 2020)

dear friends, 
welcome and thank you oh so much for being part of EPISODE 250 of The Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours. If you're like me, you're finding it difficult to put this particular broadcasting achievement --- 250 episodes!  Not as many as 300!  But more than 200! -- into proper perspective.  How does it stack up against, say Brady Anderson's not-chemically-assisted-at-all 50 home runs in 1996?  Susan Lucci losing the Daytime Emmy 18 years in a row?  I'd say it's right up there with both, but it's not my place to judge. No, I think this is the sort of thing that should be decided by an actual judge, perhaps the Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor?

Regardless of how she rules on the matter, I am very grateful for all of your support since the show's inception.  It's customary to say, "I couldn't have done it without you," and I've never quote understood this custom because I have, literally, done it without you.