The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)

02/12/25 Show 246 : LORD GIDEON GREY > ALBERT GREY

Gerard Cosloy Season 5 Episode 38

like nearly everyone else, I’ve had to endure countless on and offline “HOT TAKES” about Kendrick Lamar’s SB halftime show, it’s astonishing this performance generated so much controversy compared to Burton Cummings’ appearance at the CFL Grey Cup nearly a quarter century ago.  Have we already forgotten Cummings not only setting fire to a Canadian flag, but a Canadian flag that was wrapped over a basket of kittens?  Sure, i bet a few of you were phoning talk radio to complain the organizers should’ve booked the Nihilist Spasm Band or Fur Trade or at the very least a collaboration between the two, but by and large this horrible incident has been wiped from the history books and I think you all know why.  At least I hope some of you know why, because I am counting on you to ring in or DM to let me know.

(above :  from left to right, Burton Cummings and The Albert Henry George Grey Cup.  Not shown - the Canadian flag he set on fire and later urinated upon to extinguish the blaze)