The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
11/20/24 Show 234 : Questioning The Vetting Process
Dear Friends,
I realize many of you are some combination of worried / outraged over the recent news Dr. CHUD has been nominated to head the US Dept. Of Health and Human Services. . Whether it's his questionable credentials (ie. not really a doctor) or highly controversial public statements (ranking The Misfits vocalists 1) Graves, 2) Steele, 3) Danzig) there is considerable public sentiment Dr. CHUD is The Wrongest Man For The Job. And with that in mind, I can hardly believe he was not tapped to head the department of Housing and Urban Development. I mean, he's throroughly unqualified for that, too, but "you cannot spell CHUD without HUD" would most likely have shut down any and all arguments. Anyhow, the next time we have a plague, this guy will be too busy giving drum clinics (which to be fair, are more like meet and greets with a smattering of clinic)