The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
11/06/24 Show 232 : Feels Awfully Familiar (And Not In A Good Way)
I taped this week’s show on Monday night, presuming I’d be thoroughly distracted if I did so last night in the midst of election coverage. While I don’t expect a parade for this thoughtful decision (a small trophy will suffice), at this precise moment I have little to add that can make sense of the utterly senseless (I can’t even chime in in with “maybe Sebastian Bach should’ve made his endorsement sooner?” - perhaps he was extremely busy). That said, this morning, hey, this week, this month, feels like the wrong time for escapism and mere entertainment and if you need to limit your plays of this week’s wildly entertaining (and not timely in the slightest) radio show to 5 or 6 listens instead of your usual 15-20, I fully understand. Thank you.