The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
10/30/24 Show 231 : Annual Levitation Festival Fashion Fit Check Preview
as we approach yet another edition of Austin's Levitation Festival --- each year answering the question "what if Altamont was held at multiple locations that weren't within walking distance?" --- i am somewhat sorry to say that I''ve been unable to properly prep a program that examines Levitation's most important aspect (ie. what everyone is wearing) because i know we're in the home stretch of the most important general election of our lifetimes. While the rest of you are having a grand old time watching the Black Angels, I'll be at the back of the venue, handing out bumper stickers at the City Witches For Jill Stein booth. It's not that I'm actually supporting Jill Stein, but it turns out these bumper stickers can double as kinesio tape and we all know that shit's expensive. Just my little part to help the economy, no need to thank me, having poor sightlines for the Black Angels is reward enough.