The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
episode 229 comes to you on the precipice of Game 3 of the NLCS and I’m feeling pretty good about the New York Mets’ chances against the heavily favored Los Angeles Dodgers. I’ve got my lucky Mitchell & Ness throwback (“Manes” and “86” on the back) and sure you’ll agree my soothing presence in the monument to greed and avarice known as Citi Field will serve as a antidote to the foolishness of grown adults in purple monster costumes shilling for a fast food franchise. For those who could give 2 fucks about the above contest, fear not, as this week’s program features no sporting content whatsoever and is instead firmly focused on a subject of universal interest : at what point is it no longer ok for someone to dress up as Darryl Porter for halloween? OK, I guess that’s sports-adjacent but I would really like an honest answer for a change