The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)
10/02/24 Show 227 : Challenging The Market Leader In Walking Tours (And Losing)
This week’s episode was recorded just a stone’s throw from East Village Radio’s 1st avenue storefront though I don’t understand why anyone would be throwing stones at the station’s HQ. Surely it would be more efficient just to bang on the gate? Despite a multitude of changes, this can still be a pretty tough neighborhood - for instance, I was scheduled yesterday to meet with Bobby Steele in order to launch a competitor to John Joseph’s “Fear City” walking tour and it turns out the person I’d been sending money to on CashApp is not actually Bobby Steele but rather someone operating out of a boiler room on the other side of the world. Which I suppose is a good learning lesson for all of us (but especially me) — if you’re going head to head with the cadillac of walking tours, you’d better bring more to the table than the Yugo of walking tours (particularly if it turns out the Yugo is really named Hugo and couldn’t tell A7 apart from A24).